Tuesday, August 4, 2020

So, it has been a while..

I apologize for the hiatus, for the (VERY) few of you who it may have concerned. I just haven't been updating this due to a conflicting work schedule, school schedule, and many bus expeditions (as ironic as that is). 

Speaking of which, I have been doing trips around the state of West Virginia getting bus photos at as many bus garages as I possibly can. As of the writing of this post, I have 20 out of the 55 counties documented. Below is the goal for this summer and next summer, as well as what I have already completed. There are a couple more counties that I could probably include in this, but a lot can change in a fleet in two years or so. It is a pretty ambitious goal, so I'm not expecting to get it totally done in the given time frame. I feel like it is perfectly achievable though.

Why am I doing this? Well, I want to explore my state a little more and thought that this would be the perfect way to do so. Two months ago, if someone were to ask me where Fairmont or Clarksburg were, I'd have had no clue. This way, I get to learn more about my state as well as the fleets that transport children to and from school every day inside its borders.

I will try to post to this more, but I can't guarantee anything. I plan to make posts about the various counties that I have been to already as well as the ones I get to in the future. I'm also planning on getting Logan, Mingo, Boone, McDowell, Mercer, Raleigh, and Fayette counties documented this upcoming weekend.

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